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“Better Then Than Never’

I heard a story told by a well known Los Angeles evangelist, about a gentleman who attended
his evangelistic outreaches frequently. This man sat and listened to the teachings on salvation
through Jesus Christ. He would ask questions. But at the end of these encounters when he was
offered to receive Jesus as Savior he would decline. “Not today”, then get on his bicycle and
ride home. Soon he would show up at another evangelistic outreach and the process would
repeat itself.
Until one day, he was riding on his bicycle when he got into an accident and reportedly died on
the spot. For now, no one knows what happened to his eternal destiny. Did he end up receiving
Jesus in the last seconds of His life or not. We will all find out on the side of life.
It is true that if someone genuinely repents of rebellion and resistance against God, and accepts
the salvation of God Almighty offered by God to them through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus
Christ, that person receives the salvation of God, is accepted into God’s family and kingdom and
will spend the afterlife with God for ever (eternity with God) – no matter how little longer they
lived on earth as a christian. If one means it, God saves them. God is that good, that loving and
that gracious.
You see, there is a spiritual battle going on for your life and your eternal soul. God is fighting for
your soul (the part of you that will not die), and satan is also fighting for your soul.
Satan’s desire is that everyone lives life away from God, (directly or indirectly rebelling against
God), and dies without receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior, and then that everyone spends their
afterlife in the pain and torment of hell forever, away from God.
On the other hand God’s desire is that everyone receives Jesus as Lord and Savior, so that they
can have a joyous, victorious life of relationship with Him here on earth, and then that everyone
spends their afterlife in the peace and glory of heaven with Him, forever.
Romans 10: 10 -11 “For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the
mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on
Him will not be put to shame.”
We believe with our hearts, then what our mouth says has weight and substance.
God loves humanity so much that He accepts everyone who genuinely turns to Him, no matter
when – as long as it is while they are still alive and can make such a decision. Think of the thief
on the cross.
The thing with this thief is that he did not calculatingly decide: “I will run my own life my way
while I am young, strong, healthy, and doing well. Then when I am about to die, I will receive
Jesus and go to heaven”. For this thief, his time on the cross just happened to be when he saw
and perceived that Jesus was God’s righteousness for him, and he took action, and received
Jesus. God in His love and faithfulness kept His end of the bargain and granted him salvation

“For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved.”” – Romans 10:13.

Paul the Apostle writing with Holy Spirit states in 11 corinthians 6:1-2
“We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of
God in vain. 2 For He says:
“In an acceptable time I have heard you,
And in the day of salvation I have helped you.””
Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.

Notice that it is Paul pleading. But it is the Holy spirit of God pleading through Paul. Your now
maybe in your youth or after you have grown older. Maybe you are now a great-grandparent
and your heydays are gone. Instead of regretting that you had not received Chris all this while,
and thinking that it is now useless, It is better now than never. God can still use your life for His
glory. I know of a lady who was ill and was deteriorating. She was a believer, and really wanted
to go home to be with the Lord. A few days before she passed away, she suddenly mustered up
strength, called each member of her family, preached Christ to them and enjoined them to
receive Hims as Savior. Even that her last effort is helpful to those left alive.
God continually tugs at the heart of human beings. God uses our conscience, the existence of
nature, His word in the Bible, persuasion by other human beings, to draw mankind’s attention to
Him and to Jesus Christ.
The gentleman in that top story was being drawn by God, that is why he went out of his way to
attend these outreaches. But through this evangelist, God was offering him salvation time after
time. It is not clear what the gentleman was thinking, what the reasons for him declining were.
I join this evangelist and others in hoping that He indeed took advantage of all that he had heard
and in that last moment took care of his eternal business by accepting Jesus as Lord.
It is better now than never.
How about you? Now and today, God is offering you His salvation.
Have you wondered whether it is too late for you? As long as you are still breathing, you have a
chance to make that genuine decision by yourself, for yourself. Only you can do it for yourself.
If you have any questions about God’s salvation through Jesus Christ, please send us an email,
using the contact email provided or see if your question has been answered in one of our blogs.
We love and God loves you. Stay connected with us.

On the other hand, if you can think of no reason why you should not receive Jesus Christ as
your Savior Lord and Redeemer today. Then now is your day of salvation! Go ahead and talk to
God Almighty, genuinely from your heart. Tell Him that with your whole heart, you have chosen
to accept the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross as the basis for God’s forgiveness towards you,
and the reason for your right standing with God (Savior). That you are making Jesus the boss of
your life (Lord). Ask Jesus to come into your heart and live there, to come into your life and rule
If you want our help, you could pray something like this:
Prayer of Salvation
Jesus, I believe with all my heart that you died for my sins, that you were buried and that on the
third day, God raised you from the dead.
I agree with what all that God says about you, and I openly speak with my mouth that You are
Lord. I receive You as my Lord and my Savior. Jesus come live in my heart, and change my life.
Thank You for loving me so much and saving me. Lord, by faith in your word, I receive salvation
If you have prayed that prayer: Click on the salvation counter on this page. Then Send us an
email so that we can send you a gift. Also, Stay connected to the teachings provided on this
website and channel to help you grow into all that God has provided for you to have.
We love you. God loves you. Welcome to the family.

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